Pap Smear Examination

What Is A Pap Smear? 
Do you know What are the benefits of a Pap Smear? 
Do you know When a Pap Smear done? 
Here's the answer: 
A Pap Smear is an examination of the measures at the mouth of the womb to see the cells of the cervix (cervical) using a microscope. 
Benefits of Pap Smear is to detect early changes in the cervix before these cells into cervical cancer. If there are abnormalities that are heavy or it finds abnormality in the examination of Pap smears then cervical tissue retrieval should be performed or the term biopsy. 
But to take the network could not be carried out as soon as possible exception is already entering a high risk. If still in good enough it is recommended to repeat pap smear within 6 months. About when to do a pap smear again, it depends on his patients. 
If suppose the result turns out to be an infection and the patient is asked to seek treatment and do a reset control within the next 4 to 6 months for a repeat pap smear.