Obese Children Are Not Necessarily Healthier

The fat boy looked fun and also we think are healthy and adequacy of intake of nutrition value, but you should be careful if you have excess body weight, because obesity in children is not necessarily the child was healthy. 
Nearly 60% of children with persistent hypertension have weight obesity. In addition, data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), it was reported that childhood obesity feature risk 2.9 times higher suffer from type 2 diabetes than are not obese. 
It is related to insulin resistance and the size of the fat cells of the body. There is a lot of evidence of a link between obesity and heart disease. 
Framingham Data support the relationship of obesity and heart disease after observation over the past 26 years. Childhood obesity has a 3.3 times higher risk of suffering from coronary heart disease. 
Child obesity is also suspected of OSAS could experience (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome) and marked the discovery of the symptoms of snoring (snoring) in children. 
Obesity can also influence factors of psychological abuse on a child that is less confident. The child towards teenagers obese tend to be passive and experiencing depression.