What You Can Do To Your Blood Cholesterol Level

We now know that saturated fats such as butter tend to raise blood cholesterol levels by serving as the starting material from which cholesterol can be sythesized in the body.
Polyunsaturated fats such as corn oil, however, tend to lower blood cholesterol. Such knowledge makes it possible to reduce the amounts of fats and cholesterol you take into your body by adjusting your choice of foods.
1. Use leaner cuts of meat ; trim off all visible fat.
2. Eat chicken and fish more frequently and beef, lamb, and pork, which are high in fat-less often.
3. Drink skim milk instead of whole milk.
4. Eat more vegetables and fruits and fewer fatty foods such as french fries and ice cream.
5. Swith from butter to margarine.
It is specially important to choose foods that are low in cholesterol and fats if you know you are at increased risk of heart disease because, foe example, you have relatives with heart disorders.