The occurrence of cataracts are related to aging. Cataract Eye symptoms include blurry vision, size glasses vary though her glasses have been replaced, color vision is impaired.
So it's not surprising that causes cataract sufferers could not see clearly because the lens of the eye is cloudy so the light is difficult to reach the retina and will produce a blurred shadows on the retina so the troublesome activities such as reading and recognize people.
Symptoms of impaired in people with cataracts may depend on the layout of the turbidity of the lens of the eye. When a cataract is present on the edge of the lens or not located in the central part of the lens, then the patient will not feel any impairment.
If turbidity is present on the central part of the lens, then the sharp vision will be impaired. A simple way to recognize someone undergoing cataract is by pinhole test.
After that the sharp declining eyesight tested and asked to see the object on a certain distance, it must be known whether the cause is correction of refraction abnormalities that require such as eyeglasses.
How pinhole test : create a small hole (with needle) on a sheet of paper, then through a small hole to see an object, when you are able to see the object clearly mean sharply decreased vision due to refraction abnormalities hers while when it is not able to see the object clearly, then the possibility of cataracts.